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- Donald Trump (R) 46% {48%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 44% {42%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45% {43%} [48%] (49%) {48%} [56%] (50%)
- Marco Rubio (R) 43% {48%} [46%] (42%) {44%} [40%] (46%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 47% {45%} [49%] (51%) {50%}
- Ted Cruz (R) 39% {43%} [42%] (36%) {39%}
Favorable / Unfavorable {Net}
- Donald Trump 39% / 51% {-12%}
- Hillary Clinton 39% / 53% {-14%}
- Marco Rubio 33% / 53% {-20%}
- Ted Cruz 23% / 62% {-39%}
Do you approve or disapprove of Senator
Marco Rubio’s job performance?
- Approve 31%
- Disapprove 55%
Do you think that Marco Rubio should continue
running for President, or do you think he should
drop out of the race?
- Continue running 40% {42%}
- Drop out of race 44% {48%}
Survey of 1,012 registered voters was conducted February 24-25, 2016. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 percentage points. Party ID: 42% [41%] (40%) {38%} [42%] (44%)
Democrat; 38% [41%] (38%) {37%} [37%] (38%) Republican; 20% [19%] (22%) {25%} [22%] (18%) Independent/Other. Political
ideology: 30% [32%] (31%) {28%} [32%] (33%) Moderate; 24% [24%] (23%) {25%} [21%] (21%) Somewhat conservative; 16% [17%] (13%) {15%} [17%] (18%) Very conservative; 16% [16%] (19%) {22%} [17%] (17%) Somewhat liberal; 13% [11%] (13%) {11%} [13%] (12%) Very liberal. Results from the poll conducted September 11-13, 2015 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted March 19-22, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted September 4-7, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted June 6-9, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted March 15-18, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 11-13, 2013 are in parentheses.
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