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SurveyUSA North Carolina 2016 Presidential Poll
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45%
- Jeb Bush (R) 43%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 47%
- Rand Paul (R) 43%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 46%
- Marco Rubio (R) 41%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 47%
- Ted Cruz (R) 42%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 48%
- Scott Walker (R) 39%
Survey of 1,070 likely voters was conducted April 22-27, 2015. The
margin of error is +/- 3.1 percentage points. Party ID: 37%
Democrat; 31% Republican; 31% Independent.
Loras College Iowa 2016 Democratic Caucus Poll
- Hillary Clinton 57.0% (48.3%)
- Elizabeth Warren 14.7% (16.5%)
- Joe Biden 5.9% (12.6%)
- Martin O'Malley 2.4% (0.4%)
- Bernie Sanders 2.0% (3.8%)
- Jim Webb 1.2% (2.3%)
- Lincoln Chafee 0.0%
- Undecided 16.7% (16.1%)
Survey of 491 likely Democratic caucus participants was conducted April 21-23, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 4.4 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted January 21-26, 2015 are in parentheses.
Siena College New York 2016 Presidential Poll
- Hillary Clinton (D) 54% {64%} [60%] (56%)
- Chris Christie (R) 34% {28%} [32%] (40%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 55%
- Jeb Bush (R) 32%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 58% {67%}
- Rand Paul (R) 29% {24%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 59%
- Marco Rubio (R) 30%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 59%
- Ted Cruz (R) 26%
Survey of 785 registered voters was conducted April 19-23, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 4.0 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted February 22-28, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 12-16, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted November 11-14, 2013 are in parentheses.
Siena College New York 2016 GOP Primary Poll
Chris Christie 25%
- Jeb Bush 20%
- Marco Rubio 9%
- Rand Paul 8%
- Ted Cruz 6%
Survey of 223 registered Republican primary voters was conducted
April 19-23, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 6.6 percentage points.
Loras College Iowa 2016 GOP Caucus Poll
- Scott Walker 12.6% [9.9%] (4.7%)
- Marco Rubio 10.0% [4.2%] (4.7%)
- Jeb Bush 9.6% [13.1%] (10.7%)
- Mike Huckabee 8.6% [14.4%] (14.7%)
- Ted Cruz 6.5% [5.4%] (6.2%)
- Rand Paul 6.3% [7.0%] (8.5%)
- Ben Carson 6.3% [12.8%]
- Chris Christie 5.1% [5.4%] (8.0%)
- Rick Santorum 3.5% [3.8%] (4.7%)
- Donald Trump 3.1%
- Rick Perry 2.6% [3.2%] (3.0%)
- Bobby Jindal 1.0% [1.6%]
- John Kasich 1.0% [1.3%] (0.7%)
- Carly Fiorina 1.0% [1.3%]
- Lindsey Graham 0.0% [0.6%]
- Undecided 22.8% [14.7%] (23.8%)
Survey of 509 likely Republican caucus participants was conducted April 21-23, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 5.5 percentage points. Click here to view crosstabs. Results from the poll conducted January 21-24, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted April 7-8, 2014 are in parentheses.
PPP (D) Iowa 2016 Democratic Caucus Poll
- Hillary Clinton 62% [59%] (67%) {71%} [68%] (58%) {60%} [62%] (44%)
- Bernie Sanders 14%
- Martin O'Malley 6% [1%] (0%) {1%} [0%] (0%) {0%} [1%]
- Jim Webb 3%
- Lincoln Chafee 2%
- Not sure 13% [8%] (10%) {5%} [3%] (13%) {14%} [9%] (21%)
Survey of 466 Democratic primary voters was conducted April 23-26, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 4.5 percentage points. Political
ideology: 34% [28%] (28%) {35%} [33%] (35%) {38%} [32%] (37%) Moderate; 34% [35%] (41%) {37%} [33%] (32%) {37%} [36%] (33%) Somewhat liberal;
24% [30%] (20%) {18%} [26%] (20%) {14%} [21%] (14%) Very liberal; 6% [5%] (9%) {7%} [6%] (8%) {8%} [8%] (11%)
Somewhat conservative; 3% [2%] (2%) {2%} [2%] (5%) {3%} [4%] (4%) Very conservative. Results from the poll conducted May 15-19, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted February 20-23, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted July 5-7, 2013 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 31 - February 3, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted November 3-4, 2012 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted July 12-15, 2012 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted May 3-6, 2012 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted April 15-17, 2011 are in parentheses.
PPP (D) Iowa 2016 GOP Caucus Poll
- Scott Walker 23% (6%) {7%}
- Marco Rubio 13% (4%) {3%} [11%] (16%) {12%} [10%] (7%)
- Jeb Bush 12% (12%) {13%} [14%] (14%) {11%} [8%] (10%)
- Mike Huckabee 10% (20%) {17%} (16%) {15%} [17%] (16%)
- Rand Paul 10% (10%) {14%} [18%] (15%) {5%} [11%] (9%)
- Ted Cruz 8% (15%) {10%} [10%]
- Ben Carson 7%
- Chris Christie 5% (9%) {10%} [16%] (12%) {12%} [16%] (15%)
- Rick Perry 4% (3%)
- Not sure 8% (13%) {11%} [7%] (7%) {8%} [8%] (10%)
Survey of 462 Republican primary voters was conducted April 23-26, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 4.6 percentage points. Political ideology: 41% (37%) {39%} [33%] (31%) {39%} [40%] (35%) Somewhat conservative; 34% (42%) {33%} [45%] (43%) {36%} [37%] (46%) Very conservative; 19% (16%) {21%} [16%] (21%) {19%} [16%] (14%) Moderate; 5% (3%) {5%} [5%] (5%) {3%} [6%] (3%) Somewhat liberal; 2% (1%) {2%} [1%] (1%) {3%} [1%] (2%) Very liberal. Results from the poll conducted May 15-19, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted February 20-23, 2013 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted July 5-7, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted February 1-3, 2013 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted November 3-4, 2012 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted July 12-15, 2012 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted May 3-6, 2012 are in parentheses.
- Jeb Bush (R) 48% [43%] (38%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 46% [48%] (51%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 47% [49%] (43%)
- Chris Christie (R) 45% [42%] (41%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 49% [52%] (47%)
- Rand Paul (R) 47% [42%] (40%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 49% [52%] (52%)
- Mike Huckabee (R) 46% [42%] (37%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 49% [51%] (48%)
- Marco Rubio (R) 45% [42%] (40%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 48% (46%)
- Scott Walker (R) 43% (35%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 49% (47%)
- Ted Cruz (R) 44% (37%)
Survey of 658 registered voters was conducted April 13-24, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 4.6 percentage points. Party
ID: 24% [25%] (27%) Democrat; 22% [21%] (21%) Republican; 52% [51%] (50%) Independent. Results from the poll conducted January 30 - February 10, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted February 23-28, 2014 are in parentheses.
CNU Virginia 2016 GOP Presidential Primary Poll
- Jeb Bush 17% [21%] (18%)
- Marco Rubio 16% [6%] (4%)
- Chris Christie 10% [10%] (19%)
- Rand Paul 10% [6%] (7%)
- Scott Walker 10% [16%] (3%)
- Ben Carson 7% [9%]
- Ted Cruz 7% [3%] (9%)
- Mike Huckabee 6% [10%] (13%)
- Donald Trump 5%
- Bobby Jindal 2% [2%]
- Carly Fiorina 1%
- John Kasich 0% [3%]
- Rick Perry 0% [1%]
- Rick Santorum 0% [1%]
Survey of registered Republican and GOP-leaning Independent
voters was conducted April 13-24, 2015. Results from the poll conducted January 30 - February 10, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted February 23-28, 2014 are in parentheses.
- Scott Walker (R) 47% (43%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 44% (46%)
- Rand Paul (R) 45% (42%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 44% (45%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 42% (43%)
- Jeb Bush (R) 42% (40%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45%
- Marco Rubio (R) 44%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 43%
- Chris Christie (R) 41%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 47%
- Ted Cruz (R) 44%
Survey of 1,117 registered voters was conducted April 21-22, 2015. Results from the poll conducted March 18-19, 2015 are in parentheses.
Gravis Insights/Townhall (R) New Hampshire 2016 Democratic Primary Poll
- Hillary Clinton 45% (49%)
- Elizabeth Warren 24% (20%)
- Bernie Sanders 12% (12%)
- Joe Biden 7% (5%)
- Martin O'Malley 4% (2%)
- Lincoln Chafee 2%
- Jim Webb 2% (2%)
- Bill de Blasio 0.4%
If Elizabeth Warren does not run for president:
- Hillary Clinton 54%
- Bernie Sanders 19%
- Joe Biden 10%
- Martin O'Malley 5%
- Jim Webb 4%
- Lincoln Chafee 2%
- Bill de Blasio 1%
Survey of 369 registered Democratic primary voters was conducted April 21-22, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 5 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted March 18-19, 2015 are in parentheses.
Gravis Insights/Townhall (R) New Hampshire 2016 GOP Primary Poll
- Jeb Bush 18% {18%} [16%] (16%)
- Scott Walker 16% {19%} [23%] (7%)
- Rand Paul 15% {10%} [11%] (12%)
- Marco Rubio 11% {7%} [8%] (8%)
- Ted Cruz 10% {6%} [6%] (12%)
- Chris Christie 5% {10%} [12%] (15%)
- Ben Carson 4% {6%}
- Carly Fiorina 3% {4%}
- Mike Huckabee 3% {4%} [6%] (11%)
- Rick Santorum 1% {1%} [3%] (3%)
Survey of 666 registered Republican primary voters was conducted April 21-22, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 4 percentage points. Results from
the poll conducted March 18-19, 2015 are in curly brackets. Results from
the poll conducted February 2-3, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from
the poll conducted January 29-30, 2014 are in parentheses.
- Hillary Clinton (D) 46% {47%} [47%] (51%) {52%} [51%]
- Rand Paul (R) 43% {45%} [44%] (40%) {41%} [42%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45% {45%} [48%] (49%) {52%} [51%] (51%)
- Jeb Bush (R) 41% {45%} [43%] (42%) {39%} [42%] (38%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 46% {47%}
- Marco Rubio (R) 42% {43%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 47% {48%} (52%)
- Ted Cruz (R) 42% {42%} (36%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 46% {48%}
- Scott Walker (R) 40% {42%}
National survey of 1,012 registered voters was conducted April 19-21, 2015 under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins
Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). The margin of error
is +/- 3 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted March 29-31, 2015 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 25-27, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted December 7-9, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted July 20-22, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted April 13-15, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted March 2-4, 2014 are in parentheses.
Fox News 2016 Democratic Nomination Poll
- Hillary Clinton 62% {61%} [55%] (62%) {64%} [69%] (68%)
- Elizabeth Warren 12% {11%} [12%] (12%) {9%} [6%] (7%)
- Joe Biden 9% {12%} [17%] (10%) {12%} [14%] (12%)
- Bernie Sanders 4% {3%} [3%] (3%)
- Andrew Cuomo 3% {3%} [4%] (2%) {5%} [2%] (4%)
- Martin O'Malley 1% {2%} [2%] (1%) {1%} [1%] (1%)
- Lincoln Chafee 0%
- Jim Webb 0% {1%} [1%] (1%)
National survey of 388 likely Democratic primary voters was conducted April 19-21, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 5 percentage points. Results
from the poll conducted March 29-31, 2015 are in curly brackets. Results
from the poll conducted January 25-27, 2015 are in square brackets. Results
from the poll conducted December 7-9, 2014 are in parentheses. Results
from the poll conducted July 20-22, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results
from the poll conducted April 13-15, 2014 are in square brackets. Results
from the poll conducted December 14-16, 2013 are in parentheses.
Fox News 2016 GOP Nomination Poll
- Marco Rubio 13% [8%] (5%) {9%} [8%] (8%)
- Scott Walker 12% [15%] (9%) {4%} [5%] (6%)
- Rand Paul 10% [9%] (13%) {11%} [14%] (11%)
- Jeb Bush 9% [12%] (15%) {12%} [14%] (12%)
- Mike Huckabee 9% [10%] (13%)
- Ted Cruz 8% [10%] (4%) {9%} [7%] (12%)
- Ben Carson 6% [11%] (10%)
- Chris Christie 6% [4%] (6%) {10%} [15%] (16%)
- Donald Trump 5% [3%]
- John Kasich 2% [1%] (2%) {2%}
- Rick Perry 2% [3%] (4%) {12%} [5%] (3%)
- Bobby Jindal 1% [2%] (3%) {4%} [2%]
- Lindsey Graham 1% [0%] (1%)
- George Pataki 1% [1%]
- Rick Santorum 1% [2%] (2%) {3%} [5%] (3%)
- Carly Fiorina 0% [1%]
National survey of 383 likely Republican primary voters was conducted April 19-21, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 5 percentage points. Results
from the poll conducted March 29-31, 2015 are in square brackets. Results
from the poll conducted January 25-27, 2015 are in parentheses. Results
from the poll conducted July 20-22, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results
from the poll conducted April 13-15, 2014 are in square brackets. Results
from the poll conducted December 14-16, 2013 are in parentheses.
- Hillary Clinton (D) 46% [47%] (46%) {49%} [49%] (48%) {49%} [53%] (50%) {49%}
- Rand Paul (R) 42% [41%] (41%) {40%} [39%] (41%) {40%} [36%] (38%) {41%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45% [46%] (43%) {47%} [46%] (41%) {42%} [49%] (46%) [45%]
- Chris Christie (R) 40% [39%] (42%) {38%} [38%] (42%) {43%} [36%] (40%) [37%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 47% [47%] (46%) {49%}
- Mike Huckabee (R) 42% [40%] (41%) {40%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 46% [48%]
- Scott Walker (R) 41% [39%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 48% [48%] (48%) [50%] (50%) {51%} [54%]
- Ted Cruz (R) 41% [38%] (37%) [35%] (37%) {36%} [31%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 46% [45%] (46%) {48%} [49%] (48%) {48%}
- Jeb Bush (R) 39% [42%] (41%) {41%} [38%] (39%) {40%}
National survey of 1,353 registered voters was conducted April 16-21, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 2.7 percentage points.
Party ID: 32% [29%] (30%) {31%} [29%] (31%) {32%} [35%] (32%) {33%} [34%]
Democrat; 25% [32%] (31%) {26%} [26%] (26%) {26%} [24%] (23%) {27%} [25%] Republican; 34% [28%] (27%) {35%} [36%] (34%) {35%} [31%] (35%) {33%}
[34%] Independent; 9% [11%] (12%) {7%} [9%] (9%) {7%} [9%] (9%) {7%} [7%] Other/Don't know. Race: 73%
[73%] (74%) {73%} [74%] (74%) {72%} [72%] White; 12% [13%] (12%) {13%} [11%] (12%) {12%} [12%] Black; 6%
[7%] (7%) {7%} [8%] (7%) {7%} [8%] Hispanic; 8% [7%] (7%) {8%} [7%] (6%) {8%} [8%] Other. Results from the poll conducted February 26 - March 2, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted November 18-23, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted June 24-30, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 15-19, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted December 3-9, 2013 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted November 6-11, 2013 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted September 23-29, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted June 28 - July 8, 2013 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted May 22-28, 2013 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted February 27 - March 4, 2013 are in square brackets.
- Hillary Clinton 60% (56%) {57%} [58%] (65%) {66%} [61%] (65%)
- Joe Biden 10% (10%) {9%} [9%] (8%) {8%} [11%] (13%)
- Bernie Sanders 8% (4%) {4%}
- Martin O'Malley 3% (0%) {1%} [1%] (1%) {0%} [0%] (1%)
- Jim Webb 1% (1%) {1%}
- Lincoln Chafee 0%
- Don't know 14% (14%) {14%} [15%] (13%) {12%} [15%] (14%)
If Hillary Clinton does not run for President:
- Joe Biden 40% (35%) {34%} (45%)
- Bernie Sanders 11% (7%) {6%}
- Martin O'Malley 8% (1%) {2%} (3%)
- Jim Webb 4% (3%) {2%}
- Lincoln Chafee 1%
- Don't know 30% (25%) {28%} (26%)
National survey of 569 registered Democratic and Democratic-leaning
voters was conducted April 16-21, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 4.1 percentage points. Results from the poll
conducted February 26 - March 2, 2015 are in parentheses. Results from the poll
conducted November 18-23, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll
conducted June 24-30, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll
conducted January 15-19, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll
conducted December 3-9, 2013 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll
conducted September 23-29, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll
conducted April 25-29, 2013 are in parentheses.
Quinnipiac 2016 GOP Nomination Poll
- Marco Rubio 15% (5%) {3%} [6%] (8%) {7%} [12%] (19%)
- Jeb Bush 13% (16%) {14%} [10%] (11%) {11%} [11%] (10%)
- Scott Walker 11% (18%) {6%} [8%] (6%) {5%} [4%] (2%)
- Ted Cruz 9% (6%) {5%} [8%] (9%) {13%} [10%]
- Rand Paul 8% (6%) {8%} [11%] (13%) {14%} [17%] (15%)
- Chris Christie 7% (8%) {11%} [10%] (12%) {17%} [13%] (14%)
- Mike Huckabee 7% (8%) {7%} [10%]
- Ben Carson 3% (7%) {9%}
- Rick Perry 3% (1%) {3%} [3%]
- Lindsey Graham 2% (1%)
- John Kasich 2% (1%) {2%} [2%] (2%) {2%}
- Rick Santorum 2% (2%) {2%} [2%]
- Carly Fiorina 1%
- Bobby Jindal 1% (2%) {3%} [1%] (3%) {3%} [3%] (3%)
- Don't know 14% (17%) {19%} [20%] (22%) {17%} [19%] (18%)
Survey of 567 registered Republican and GOP-leaning voters was
conducted April 16-21, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 4.1
percentage points. Results from the poll conducted February 26 - March 2, 2015 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted November 18-23, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted June 24-30, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 15-19, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted December 3-9, 2013 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted September 23-29, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted March 26 - April 1, 2013 are in parentheses.
FDU PublicMind New Jersey 2016 GOP Presidential Primary Poll
Chris Christie 20% (51%)
- Scott Walker 14%
- Jeb Bush 13% (6%)
- Ted Cruz 8%
- Rand Paul 8% (10%)
- Other (vol.) 15% (10%)
- Don't know (vol.) 22% (13%)
Survey of 268 registered Republican primary voters was conducted April 13-19, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 6.0 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted August 21-27, 2013 are in parentheses.
PPP (D) New Hampshire 2016 Presidential Poll
- Hillary Clinton (D) 49% {50%} [51%] (52%)
- Rand Paul (R) 40% {37%} [41%] (41%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 49%
- Scott Walker (R) 40%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 50% (52%)
- Marco Rubio (R) 38% (38%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
- Rick Perry (R) 38%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
- Ben Carson (R) 38%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
- Mike Huckabee (R) 38%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 49% {49%} [49%]
- Jeb Bush (R) 36% {38%} [40%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 51% {43%} [43%]
- Chris Christie (R) 36% {39%} [39%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 52% {51%} [50%]
- Ted Cruz (R) 37% {32%} [38%]
- Joe Biden (D) 44%
- Scott Walker (R) 40%
- Elizabeth Warren (D) 45%
- Scott Walker (R) 40%
Survey of 747 New Hampshire voters was conducted April 9-13, 2015. The
margin of error is +/- 3.6 percentage points. Party ID: 30% {27%} [30%] (29%) Republican; 28% {28%} [31%] (32%)
Democrat; 43% {44%} [39%] (39%) Independent/Other. Political
ideology: 32% {34%} [33%] (31%)
Moderate; 21% {18%} [19%] (18%) Somewhat liberal; 20% {25%} [21%] (23%) Somewhat
conservative; 15% {10%} [12%] (13%) Very liberal; 12% {13%} [15%] (15%) Very
conservative. Results from the poll conducted January 9-12, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted September 13-16, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted April 19-21, 2013 are in parentheses.
Gravis Insights/Townhall (R) Iowa 2016 GOP Caucus Poll
- Jeb Bush 16% [10%] (14%)
- Scott Walker 13% [24%] (10%)
- Marco Rubio 12% [7%] (4%)
- Rand Paul 9% [10%] (8%)
- Ben Carson 9% [5%]
- Mike Huckabee 8% [7%] (9%)
- Ted Cruz 6% [4%] (7%)
- Chris Christie 5% [9%] (5%)
- Carly Fiorina 3% [3%]
- Rick Santorum 2% [6%]
- Unsure 17% [15%] (18%)
Survey of 388 Iowa Republican voters was conducted April 13, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 5 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted February 12-13, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 5-7, 2015 are in parentheses.
- Hillary Clinton (D) 44% {45%}
- Mike Huckabee (R) 43% {40%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 44% {44%}
- Rand Paul (R) 43% {39%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 42% {45%}
- Chris Christie (R) 39% {35%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 43% {43%} [42.6%] (41%)
- Jeb Bush (R) 40% {37%} [43.5%] (41%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45%
- Marco Rubio (R) 42%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 46% {47%}
- Scott Walker (R) 41% {41%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 44%
- Carly Fiorina (R) 37%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 47%
- Ted Cruz (R) 40%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45%
- Ben Carson (R) 37%
Survey of 1,259 registered Iowa voters was
conducted April 13, 2015 The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted February 12-13, 2015 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted October 20-21, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted September 29-30, 2014 are in parentheses.
- Hillary Clinton (D) 55% (55%) (56%)
- Marco Rubio (R) 41% (42%) (37%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 56% (55%) {54%} [59%] (58%)
- Jeb Bush (R) 39% (40%) {41%} [36%] (36%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 58% (55%) {56%} [56%] (47%)
- Chris Christie (R) 39% (40%) {39%} [37%] (47%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 58% (54%) {58%} [58%] (54%)
- Rand Paul (R) 39% (43%) {38%} [38%] (40%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 58% (55%) {59%} [57%] (55%)
- Mike Huckabee (R) 37% (41%) {38%} [38%] (39%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 59% (55%)
- Scott Walker (R) 37% (40%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 60% (56%) {56%}
- Ben Carson (R) 36% (40%) {35%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 60% {60%}
- Ted Cruz (R) 36% {35%}
CNN/ORC 2016 Democratic Nomination Poll
- Hillary Clinton 69% [67%]
- Joe Biden 11% [16%]
- Bernie Sanders 5% [5%]
- Jim Webb 3% [1%]
- Lincoln Chafee 1%
- Martin O'Malley 1% [1%]
Survey of 458 Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independents was conducted April 16-19, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 4.5 percentage
points. Results from the poll conducted March 13-15, 2015 are in square brackets.
CNN/ORC 2016 GOP Nomination Poll
- Jeb Bush 17% [16%] (14%) {23%} [14%] (8%) {12%} [13%] (9%) {10%} [6%] (10%)
- Scott Walker 12% [13%] (11%) {4%} [5%] (5%) {5%} [7%]
- Rand Paul 11% [12%] (10%) {6%} [8%] (12%) {14%} [13%] (16%) {13%} [13%] (13%)
- Marco Rubio 11% [7%] (5%) {5%} [3%] (6%) {8%} [6%] (5%) {9%} [9%] (9%)
- Mike Huckabee 9% [10%] (16%) {6%} [10%] (12%) {11%} [10%] (10%) {14%}
- Ted Cruz 7% [4%] (3%) {4%} [7%] (8%) {9%} [7%] (8%) {8%} [10%] (7%)
- Ben Carson 4% [9%] (8%) {7%} [11%]
- Chris Christie 4% [7%] (7%) {13%} [9%] (13%) {8%} [9%] (8%) {10%} [24%] (17%)
- Rick Perry 3% [4%] (3%) {4%} [5%] (11%) {6%} [8%] (11%) {8%} [7%] (6%)
- Rick Santorum 3% [1%] (3%) {2%} [2%] (3%) {4%} [2%] (3%) {4%} [6%] (5%)
- Carly Fiorina 2% [0%] (1%)
- Lindsey Graham 2% [1%] (1%)
- Bobby Jindal 2% [1%] (1%) {4%} [1%]
- John Kasich 2% [2%] (2%) {3%} [3%]
- George Pataki 0%
Survey of 435 Republicans and GOP-leaning
Independents was conducted April 16-19, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 4.5 percentage
points. Results from the poll conducted March 13-15, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted February 12-15, 2015 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted December 18-21, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted November 21-23, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted July 18-20, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted May 29 - June 1, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted May 2-4, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted March 7-9, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted January 31 - February 2, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted November 18-20, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted September 6-8, 2013 are in parentheses.
Mason-Dixon Florida 2016 Presidential Poll
- Marco Rubio (R) 49%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 43%
- Jeb Bush (R) 47%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 43%
Survey of 625 registered voters was conducted April 14-16, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 4 percentage points.
Quinnipiac New Jersey 2016 Presidential Poll
- Hillary Clinton (D) 51% [52%] (50%) {50%} [50%] (49%)
- Chris Christie (R) 36% [39%] (39%) {40%} [42%] (45%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 53% [53%] (53%) {53%} [54%]
- Jeb Bush (R) 33% [37%] (31%) {32%} [34%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 54%
- Marco Rubio (R) 34%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 54% [54%] (55%) {55%} [55%]
- Rand Paul (R) 34% [35%] (31%) {31%} [35%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 54%
- Scott Walker (R) 32%
- Hillary Clinton (D) 56% [56%] [57%]
- Mike Huckabee (R) 30% [33%] [34%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 58%
- Ted Cruz (R) 30%
Survey of 1,428 registered voters was conducted April 9-14, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 2.6 percentage points. Party ID: 35% [31%] (34%) {33%} [34%] (33%) Democrat;
21% [ 26%] (23%) {23%} [24%] (25%) Republican; 37% [37%] (37%) {37%} [35%] (36%)
Independent; 6% [6%] (7%) {7%} [7%] (7%) Other/Don't know. Results from the poll conducted January 15-19, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted December 3-8, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted September 25-29, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted July 31 - August 4, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted February 13-17, 2013 are in parentheses.
Quinnipiac New Jersey 2016 Democratic Primary Poll
- Hillary Clinton 63% (65%)
- Elizabeth Warren 12% (11%)
- Joe Biden 10% (7%)
- Bernie Sanders 3% (3%)
- Martin O'Malley 1% (0%)
- Jim Webb 1% (1%)
- Lincoln Chafee 0%
Survey of 539 registered Democratic voters was conducted April 9-14, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 4.2 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted January 15-19, 2015 are in parentheses.
Quinnipiac New Jersey 2016 GOP Primary Poll
- Chris Christie 22% (24%)
- Scott Walker 14% (4%)
- Jeb Bush 11% (13%)
- Rand Paul 9% (5%)
- Marco Rubio 7% (3%)
- Ted Cruz 6% (6%)
- Mike Huckabee 4% (4%)
- Bobby Jindal 3% (2%)
- Ben Carson 2% (6%)
- Carly Fiorina 1%
- John Kasich 1% (0%)
- Lindsey Graham 0%
- Rick Perry 0% (1%)
- Rick Santorum 0% (0%)
Survey of 444 registered Republican voters was conducted April 9-14, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 4.7 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted January 15-19, 2015 are in parentheses.
Mason-Dixon Florida 2016 GOP Primary Poll
- Marco Rubio 31%
- Jeb Bush 30%
- Ted Cruz 8%
- Rand Paul 7%
- Scott Walker 2%
- Other 5%
- Undecided 17%
Survey of 400 registered Republican voters was conducted April 14-16, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 5 percentage points.
- Hillary Clinton (D) 51.5% [53.3%] (50.2%)
- Scott Walker (R) 39.8% [40.6%] (41.7%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 49.5% (51.1%)
- Marco Rubio (R) 37.7% (34.9%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 52.1% [55.3%]
- Ted Cruz (R) 36.4% [33.4%]
Survey of 803 registered Wisconsin voters
was conducted April 7-10, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 3.5
percentage points. Results from the poll conducted October 21-24, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted May 6-9, 2013 are in parentheses.
- Hillary Clinton 58.2% [64.0%] (61.5%)
- Elizabeth Warren 14.3% [10.8%] (4.8%)
- Joe Biden 12.0% [10.6%] (13.0%)
- Martin O'Malley 0.9% [0.8%] (1.1%)
- Jim Webb 0.9%
- Someone else 3.7% [2.1%] (1.5%)
- Don't know 8.9% [9.2%] (11.0%)
Survey of 391 registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independent voters
was conducted April 7-10, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 5.1 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted October 21-24, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted May 6-9, 2013 are in parentheses.
- Scott Walker 40.0% [28.9%] (16.1%)
- Rand Paul 10.3% [8.4%] (6.9%)
- Jeb Bush 7.9% [2.4%] (4.6%)
- Ted Cruz 6.0% [4.3%]
- Chris Christie 5.8% [8.6%] (10.6%)
- Mike Huckabee 5.1%
- Ben Carson 5.0%
- Marco Rubio 3.8% [9.3%] (21.2%)
- Bobby Jindal 2.3% (0.8%)
- Rick Santorum 1.9%
- Carly Fiorina 0.5%
- Rick Perry 0.5%
- Someone else 1.7% [4.2%] (1.6%)
- Don't know 8.9% [8.9%] (10.5%)
Survey of 319 registered Republican and GOP-leaning Independent voters
was conducted April 7-10, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 5.6 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted October 21-24, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted May 6-9, 2013 are in parentheses.
PPP (D) New Hampshire 2016 Democratic Primary Poll
- Hillary Clinton 45% {65%} [57%] (68%) {60%} [55%] (52%)
- Elizabeth Warren 23% {8%} [11%] (5%) {4%} [8%]
- Bernie Sanders 12%
- Joe Biden 7% {10%} [12%] (12%) {10%} [9%] (16%)
- Martin O'Malley 3% {1%} [0%] (1%) {0%} [1%]
- Lincoln Chafee 1%
- Jim Webb 1%
- Someone else/Undecided 9% {9%} [11%] (9%) {15%} [17%] (16%)
Very Liberal (
30% of sample)
- Elizabeth Warren 33% {15%}
- Hillary Clinton 32% {64%}
- Bernie Sanders 24%
- Joe Biden 6% {9%}
- Lincoln Chafee 2%
- Martin O'Malley 1% {1%}
- Jim Webb 0%
- Someone else/Undecided 2% {8%}
Survey of 329 Democratic primary voters
conducted April 9-13, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 5.4 percentage
points. Party ID: 62% {64%} [68%] (70%) {66%} [66%] Democrat; 2% {1%} [3%] (2%) {1%} [2%] Republican; 36% {35%} [30%]
(27%) {33%} [32%] Independent/Other.
Ideology: 36% {31%} [34%] (33%) {35%} [34%] Somewhat liberal; 30% {20%} [26%] (26%) {19%} [19%] Very liberal; 28% {36%} [34%] (34%) {34%} [39%] Moderate; 4% {9%} [4%] (5%) {9%} [6%]
Somewhat conservative; 1% {4%} [1%] (2%) {2%} [1%] Very conservative. Results from the poll conducted January 9-12, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted September 13-16, 2013 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted April 19-21, 2013 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted November 3-4, 2012 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted August 9-12, 2012 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted June 30 - July 5, 2011 are in parentheses.
PPP (D) New Hampshire 2016 GOP Primary Poll
- Scott Walker 24% {3%}
- Ted Cruz 14% (10%) {9%}
- Rand Paul 12% (10%) {12%}
- Jeb Bush 10% (15%) {12%}
- Chris Christie 8% (11%) {24%}
- Marco Rubio 8% (7%) {8%}
- Ben Carson 7% (15%)
- Mike Huckabee 7% (11%) {11%}
- Rick Perry 4% (3%)
- Not sure 7% (11%) {13%}
Survey of 358 Republican primary voters was conducted April 9-13, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 5.2 percentage points. Party ID: 62% (61%) Republican; 38% (38%) Independent/Other; 0% (2%) Democrat. Political
ideology: 39% (40%) Somewhat conservative; 31% (26%) Moderate; 22% (25%) Very conservative; 6% (6%) Somewhat liberal; 3% (2%) Very liberal. Results from the poll conducted November 1-3, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted January 9-12, 2014 are in curly brackets.
- Scott Walker 13.6%
- Jeb Bush 12.7%
- Ted Cruz 8.1%
- Lindsey Graham 7.6%
- Rand Paul 6.2%
- Chris Christie 5.0%
- Ben Carson 4.9%
- Mike Huckabee 4.9%
- Marco Rubio 4.0%
- Rick Perry 1.9%
- Donald Trump 1.9%
- Bobby Jindal 0.9%
- Rick Santorum 0.3%
- John Bolton 0.2%
- Other 1.4%
- Not sure 25.1%
Survey of 956 likely GOP primary voters was conducted April 4-12, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 3.2 percentage points.
Rasmussen (R) 2016 Presidential Poll
Hillary Clinton (D) 47% (50%)
- Ted Cruz (R) 38% (37%)
Hillary Clinton (D) 47% (46%)
- Rand Paul (R) 37% (39%)
Survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted April 9 & 12, 2015. The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points. Results from the polls conducted June 4-5, 2014 and June 14-15, 2014 are in parentheses.
Inside the numbers:
Clinton is backed by 82% of Democrats, while about 70% of Republicans back Paul and Cruz. She runs even with the two GOP hopefuls among voters not affiliated with either major party.
Among women, Clinton leads Cruz 49% to 36% and Paul 49% to 35%. Clinton leads by narrower margins among men.
Clinton holds overwhelming leads in both matchups among voters under 40. The hypothetical races are much closer among older voters. Both Republicans lead among voters 65 and older.
NH1/Reach Communications (R) New Hampshire 2016 GOP Primary Poll
- Scott Walker 22.7% [21.2%] (8%)
- Jeb Bush 16.5% [14.4%] (11%)
- Rand Paul 14.9% [8.3%] (7%)
- Ted Cruz 8.9% [3.3%] (4%)
- Donald Trump 8.0%
- Marco Rubio 7.0% [5.4%] (3%)
- Ben Carson 7.0% [8.2%] (7%)
- Chris Christie 5.8% [7.0%] (8%)
- Mike Huckabee 5.5% [6.8%] (5%)
- Carly Fiorina 1.9% [1.7%]
- Rick Perry 1.6% [2.7%]
- Someone else/Undecided [18.8%] (18%)
Survey of 1,064 highly likely GOP primary voters was conducted April 8-9, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 3.0 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted February 2-3, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 21, 2015 are in parentheses.
PPP (D) North Carolina 2016 Presidential Poll
- Mike Huckabee (R) 48% [46%] {44%} [46%] (44%) {43%} [43%] (43%) {42%} [43%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 43% [46%] {46%} [45%] (45%) {46%} [47%] (48%) {49%} [48%]
- Scott Walker (R) 46% [43%] (44%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 43% [45%] (46%)
- Rick Perry (R) 45% [44%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 44% [47%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45% [46%]
- Marco Rubio (R) 45% [42%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45% [47%] [48%] (47%) (47%) {49%} [51%]
- Ted Cruz (R) 45% [43%] [40%] (41%) (41%) {41%} [39%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45% [46%] [46%] (47%) {46%} [45%] (47%) {49%} [47%] (47%) {48%} [50%] (52%)
- Rand Paul (R) 45% [43%] [41%] (42%) {43%} [44%] (43%) {43%} [44%] (43%) {44%} [41%] (40%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45% [45%] (45%) {44%}
- Ben Carson (R) 44% [46%] (45%) {44%}
- Hillary Clinton (D) 45% [46%] (44%) {46%} [43%] (46%) {45%} [45%] (45%) {47%} [47%] (46%) {46%} [47%]
- Jeb Bush (R) 44% [42%] (44%) {46%} [45%] (42%) {44%} [42%] (44%) {46%} [43%] (44%) {45%} [43%]
- Hillary Clinton (D) 43% [45%] {44%} [45%] (45%) {45%} [44%] (46%) {46%} [45%] (42%) {42%} [43%]
- Chris Christie (R) 41% [42%] {42%} [38%] (38%) {41%} [40%] (44%) {42%} [42%] (43%) {45%} [46%]
- Scott Walker (R) 48%
- Joe Biden (D) 39%
- Scott Walker (R) 46%
- Elizabeth Warren (D) 36%
Survey of 751 registered North Carolina voters was conducted April 2-5, 2015. The
margin of error is +/- 3.6 percentage points. Party ID: 43% [44%] (43%) {42%}
[45%] (42%) {43%} [42%] (42%) {42%}
[39%] (43%) {43%} [45%]
Democrat; 36% [35%] (34%) {36%} [34%] (31%) {36%} [35%] (36%) {35%} [34%]
(33%) {34%} [33%] Republican; 22% [21%] (23%) {22%} [21%] (27%) {22%} [23%]
(22%) {23%} [27%] (23%) {23%} [21%] Independent/Other. Results from the poll conducted February 24-26, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 29-31, 2015 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted December 4-7, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted September 11-14, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted August 14-17, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted June 12-15, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted May 9-11, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted April 3-6, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted March 6-9, 2014 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted February 6-9, 2014 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted January 9-12, 2014 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted December 5-8, 2013 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted November 8-11, 2013 are in square brackets.
- Hillary Clinton 53% (56%)
- Joe Biden 13% (11%)
- Elizabeth Warren 11% (13%)
- Martin O'Malley 5% (3%)
- Jim Webb 3% (3%)
- Bernie Sanders 2% (1%)
- Someone else/Undecided 12% (12%)
Survey of 370 Democratic primary voters was conducted April 2-5, 2015.
The margin of error is +/- 5.1 percentage points. Ideology: 33% (27%) Somewhat
liberal; 31% (38%) Moderate; 21% (21%) Very liberal; 10% (8%)
Somewhat conservative; 5% (6%) Very conservative. Results from the poll conducted February 24-26, 2015 are in parentheses.