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- Donald Trump 38%
- John Kasich 35% [19%] (8%)
- Ted Cruz 15% [5%] (6%)
- Marco Rubio 5% [12%] (9%)
- Undecided 7% [8%] (17%)
Among Men
- Donald Trump 42%
- John Kasich 34%
- Ted Cruz 16%
- Marco Rubio 4%
- Undecided 4%
Among Women
- John Kasich 36%
- Donald Trump 33%
- Ted Cruz 13%
- Marco Rubio 7%
- Undecided 11%
Favorable / Unfavorable {Net}
- John Kasich 70% / 22% {+48%}
- Donald Trump 48% / 44% {+4%}
- Ted Cruz 40% / 45% {-5%}
- Marco Rubio 33% / 51% {-18%}
Survey of 638 likely Republican primary voters was
conducted March 4-6, 2016. The margin of error is +/- 3.9 percentage points. Political ideology: 43% [37%] (36%) Somewhat conservative; 27% [34%] (34%) Very conservative; 23% [23%] (21%) Moderate; 5% [5%] (7%) Somewhat liberal; 2% [0%] (3%) Very
liberal. Results from the poll conducted June 4-7, 2015 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted August 16-19, 2013 are in parentheses.
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