Saturday, February 09, 2013

Poll Watch: PPP (D) Republican Survey on Immigration

PPP (D) GOP Poll on Immigration

Do you think illegal immigrants who are living in America should be offered a chance to apply for legal citizenship, or do you think they should all be deported back to their native countries?
  • They should be offered a chance to apply for legal citizenship 46%
  • They should be deported back to their home country 42%
Very Conservative
  • They should be offered a chance to apply for legal citizenship 36%
  • They should be deported back to their home country 53%
Somewhat Conservative
  • They should be offered a chance to apply for legal citizenship 50%
  • They should be deported back to their home country 37%
  • They should be offered a chance to apply for legal citizenship 43%
  • They should be deported back to their home country 46%
  • They should be offered a chance to apply for legal citizenship 49%
  • They should be deported back to their home country 38%
Survey of 508 Republican primary voters was conducted January 31 - February 3, 2013.  The margin of error is +/- 4.4 percentage points. Political ideology: 41% Very conservative; 41% Somewhat conservative; 14% Moderate; 2% Somewhat liberal; 1% Very liberal.

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