Thursday, May 24, 2012

Poll Watch: PPP (D) Maryland 2012 Presidential Survey

PPP (D) Maryland 2012 Presidential Poll
  • Barack Obama 58%
  • Mitt Romney 35%
  • Not sure 6%
Among Independents
  • Barack Obama 46%
  • Mitt Romney 43%
  • Not sure 11%
Among Moderates
  • Barack Obama 64%
  • Mitt Romney 28%
  • Not sure 8%
    Among Men
    • Barack Obama 52%
    • Mitt Romney 40%
    • Not sure 8%
    Among Women
    • Barack Obama 64%
    • Mitt Romney 31%
    • Not sure 5%
    Among Whites
    • Mitt Romney 47%
    • Barack Obama 46%
    • Not sure 7%
    Among Blacks
    • Barack Obama 90%
    • Mitt Romney 8%
    • Not sure 2%
      Generally speaking, do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same legal rights as traditional marriages in areas such as inheritance and hospital visits?
      • They should be recognized 52%
      • They should not 39%
      • Not sure 9%
      The state legislature recently approved a law allowing gay and lesbian couples to legally marry in Maryland, and there is likely to be a statewide referendum in the November election on whether to keep the law. If the election were held today, do you think you would vote for or vote against the law allowing gay and lesbian couples to legally marry?
      • Would vote for the law and feel strongly 46%
      • Would vote for the law but don't feel strongly 11%
      • Would vote against the law but don't feel strongly 1%
      • Would vote against the law and feel strongly 36%
      • Not sure 6%
      Survey of 852 likely voters was conducted May 14-21, 2012. The margin of error is +/- 3.4 percentage points. Party registration: 58% Democrat; 26% Republican; 13% Something else; 3% Not sure. Party ID: 46% Democrat; 22% Republican; 30% Independent; 2% Not sure. Political ideology: 43% Moderate; 27% Conservative; 26% Liberal; 3% Not sure. Race: 67% White; 25% Black; 8% Other.

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