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- Hillary Clinton (D) 44.2% (43.8%)
- Donald Trump (R) 38.2% (41.6%)
- Gary Johnson (L) 6.6% (4.8%)
- Darrell Castle (IAP) 1.0% (1.0%)
- Rocky De La Fuente (NP) 0.6% (1.0%)
- None of these candidates 3.0% (2.6%)
- Undecided 5.4% (5.2%)
Among Men
- Donald Trump (R) 43% (45%)
- Hillary Clinton (D) 38% (43%)
- Gary Johnson (L) 8% (5%)
- Darrell Castle (IAP) 1% (0%)
- Rocky De La Fuente (NP) 0% (1%)
- None of these candidates 3% (2%)
- Undecided 4% (4%)
Among Women
- Hillary Clinton (D) 49% (44%)
- Donald Trump (R) 34% (39%)
- Gary Johnson (L) 6% (4%)
- Darrell Castle (IAP) 1% (1%)
- Rocky De La Fuente (NP) 1% (1%)
- None of these candidates 3% (3%)
- Undecided 7% (7%)
Favorable / Unfavorable {Net}
- Hillary Clinton 45.2% (44.2%) / 50.4% (50.0%) {-5.2}
- Donald Trump 35.6% (37.2%) / 59.4% (54.8%) {-23.8}
Survey of 500 likely voters was conducted September 27-29, 2016. The margin of error is +/- 4.4 percentage points. Click here to view crosstabs. Results from the poll conducted August 15-17, 2016 are in parentheses.
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