Thursday, May 05, 2011

Poll Watch: SurveyUSA Los Angeles Poll on Barack Obama and Photos of Osama bin Laden

SurveyUSA Los Angeles Poll on Barack Obama and Photos of Osama bin Laden

Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
  • Approve 56%
  • Disapprove 42%
Among Men
  • Approve 52%
  • Disapprove 46%
Among Women
  • Approve 60%
  • Disapprove 37%
President Obama says that no photographs or video of Osama Bin Laden's dead body will be made public. Is this the right decision? The wrong decision? Or, do you not know enough to say?
  • Right 41%
  • Wrong 44%
Among Men
  • Right 40%
  • Wrong 50%
Among Women
  • Right 42%
  • Wrong 39%
Do you think someone in the government will eventually leak a photo of bin Laden to the media? Or do you think the pictures will remain hidden from public view?
  • Photo will be leaked 69%
  • Will remain hidden 23%
Among Men
  • Photo will be leaked 66%
  • Will remain hidden 28%
Among Women
  • Photo will be leaked 73%
  • Will remain hidden 18%
(Among those who think photo will be leaked) When do you think a leaked photograph of Bin Laden's dead body will first appear on the internet? In a day? A week? A month? A year? Or not for many years?
  • Day 7%
  • Week 35%
  • Month 37%
  • Year 16%
  • Many years 3%
Among Men
  • Day 5%
  • Week 36%
  • Month 32%
  • Year 21%
  • Many years 5%
Among Women
  • Day 9%
  • Week 35%
  • Month 40%
  • Year 12%
  • Many years 1%
(Among those who think photo will be leaked) Once a leaked photograph appears on the internet, should your newspaper print the picture?
  • Yes 47%
  • No 42%
Among Men
  • Yes 53%
  • No 42%
Among Women
  • Yes 42%
  • No 42%
(Among those who think photo will be leaked) Once a leaked photograph appears on the internet, should your local TV station show the picture on the TV news?
  • Yes 51%
  • No 41%
Among Men
  • Yes 54%
  • No 43%
Among Women
  • Yes 48%
  • No 39%
Survey of 800 adults in the Los Angeles metropolitan area was conducted May 4, 2011. The margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points.

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