Monday, May 02, 2011

Poll Watch: The Economist/YouGov 2012 Presidential Survey

The Economist/YouGov 2012 Presidential Survey
  • Barack Obama 46%
  • Mitt Romney 37%
  • Barack Obama 49%
  • Donald Trump 32%
  • Barack Obama 52%
  • Sarah Palin 34%
How likely would you be to vote for the following people if they were the Republican nominee for president in 2012?
Mitt Romney
  • Very likely 14%
  • Somewhat likely 16%
  • Not too likely 14%
  • Not at all likely 32%
Mike Huckabee
  • Very likely 14%
  • Somewhat likely 16%
  • Not too likely 12%
  • Not at all likely 38%
Donald Trump
  • Very likely 14%
  • Somewhat likely 16%
  • Not too likely 10%
  • Not at all likely 47%
Ron Paul
  • Very likely 13%
  • Somewhat likely 12%
  • Not too likely 13%
  • Not at all likely 40%
Michele Bachmann
  • Very likely 8%
  • Somewhat likely 11%
  • Not too likely 9%
  • Not at all likely 44%
Newt Gingrich
  • Very likely 11%
  • Somewhat likely 11%
  • Not too likely 13%
  • Not at all likely 44%
Sarah Palin
  • Very likely 13%
  • Somewhat likely 14%
  • Not too likely 8%
  • Not at all likely 54%
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
  • Strongly Approve 14%
  • Somewhat Approve 27%
  • Somewhat Disapprove 18%
  • Strongly Disapprove 33%
Survey of 1,000 general population respondents was conducted April 23-26, 2011. The margin of error is +/- 4 percentage points.

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