PPP/Daily Kos/SEIU (D) Political Survey
If the candidates for President next year were Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Donald Trump, who would you vote for?
If the candidates for President next year were Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Donald Trump, who would you vote for?
- Barack Obama 47%
- Donald Trump 38%
- Barack Obama 83%
- Donald Trump 9%
- Donald Trump 65%
- Barack Obama 13%
- Barack Obama 45%
- Donald Trump 42%
- Barack Obama 86%
- Donald Trump 11%
- Barack Obama 61%
- Donald Trump 25%
- Donald Trump 65%
- Barack Obama 14%
- Donald Trump 45%
- Barack Obama 42%
- Barack Obama 52%
- Donald Trump 33%
- Favorable 49% (47%) [46%] {50%} (49%) [49%]
- Unfavorable 47% (47%) [48%] {46%} (44%) [46%]
- Favorable 84% (83%) [81%] {85%} (82%) [84%]
- Unfavorable 12% (11%) [15%] {13%} (11%) [13%]
- Favorable 13% (9%) [14%] {9%} (11%) [10%]
- Unfavorable 81% (88%) [83%] {87%} (83%) [86%]
- Favorable 48% 45% [40%] {54%} (48%) [46%]
- Unfavorable 48% (47%) [47%] {42%} (45%) [46%]
- Favorable 86% (91%) [85%] {90%} (88%) [89%]
- Unfavorable 10% (7%) [11%] {9%} (6%) [7%]
- Favorable 63% (61%) [59%] {63%} (62%) [61%]
- Unfavorable 33% (34%) [33%] {34%} (31%) [32%]
- Favorable 16% (15%) [19%] {17%} (17%) [16%]
- Unfavorable 79% (78%) [78%] {78%} (77%) [83%]
- Favorable 42% (44%) [38%] {48%} (44%) [44%]
- Unfavorable 54% (52%) [56%] {50%} (49%) [50%]
- Favorable 54% (50%) [53%] {54%} (54%) [54%]
- Unfavorable 41% (43%) [41%] {42%} (40%) [42%]
- Approve 46% (45%) [45%] {50%} (48%) [46%]
- Disapprove 47% (48%) [51%] {46%} (45%) [49%]
- Approve 78% (82%) [78%] {83%} (79%) [80%]
- Disapprove 16% (12%) [18%] {14%} (12%) [15%]
- Approve 13% (7%) [14%] {11%} (12%) [9%]
- Disapprove 79% (88%) [85%] {85%} (82%) [87%]
- Approve 45% (42%) [42%] {53%} (48%) [43%]
- Disapprove 49% (47%) [50%] {41%} (47%) [51%]
- Approve 80% (85%) [81%] {91%} (81%) [81%]
- Disapprove 13% (10%) [15%] {7%} (8%) [13%]
- Approve 61% (58%) [59%] {63%} (62%) [60%]
- Disapprove 34% (34%) [35%] {33%} (31%) [34%]
- Approve 13% (16%) [18%] {16%} (16%) [14%]
- Disapprove 78% (78%) [80%] {79%} (78%) [84%]
- Approve 41% (42%) [38%] {47%} (45%) [42%]
- Disapprove 54% (53%) [58%] {50%} (49%) [53%]
- Approve 50% (49%) [52%] {53%} (51%) [51%]
- Disapprove 42% (43%) [44%] {42%} (41%) [45%]
- Too liberal 46% (48%) [49%] {44%} (46%) [47%]
- Too conservative 8% (7%) [9%] {10%} (9%) [8%]
- About right 43% (41%) [38%] {43%} (42%) [43%]
- Too liberal 12% (13%) [17%] {13%} (14%) [13%]
- Too conservative 9% (9%) [14%] {14%} (11%) [10%]
- About right 75% (77%) [66%] {70%} (71%) [73%]
- Too liberal 79% (86%) [83%] {83%} (84%) [84%]
- Too conservative 7% (3%) [5%] {5%} (5%) [3%]
- About right 12% (7%) [10%] {8%} (9%) [10%]
- Too liberal 47% (48%) [49%] {38%} (45%) [50%]
- Too conservative 8% (11%) [9%] {10%} (12%) [10%]
- About right 41% (33%) [38%] {47%} (40%) [39%]
- Too liberal 10% (9%) [11%] {6%} (6%) [8%]
- Too conservative 21% (18%) [24%] {25%} (22%) [23%]
- About right 67% (72%) [58%] {63%} (68%) [67%]
- Too liberal 31% (35%) [34%] {32%} (33%) [33%]
- Too conservative 7% (7%) [11%] {8%} (7%) [7%]
- About right 59% (53%) [53%] {58%} (57%) [57%]
- Too liberal 78% (77%) [79%] {76%} (78%) [82%]
- Too conservative 4% (4%) [3%] {5%} (6%) [3%]
- About right 14% (15%) [15%] {15%} (13%) [12%]
- Too liberal 53% (50%) [56%] {48%} (49%) [52%]
- Too conservative 8% (11%) [10%] {11%} (10%) [10%]
- About right 36% (37%) [32%] {38%} (38%) [37%]
- Too liberal 39% (46%) [43%] {40%} (43%) [42%]
- Too conservative 8% (5%) [9%] {9%} (9%) [6%]
- About right 49% (45%) [44%] {48%} (46%) [48%]
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump?
- Favorable 28%
- Unfavorable 46%
Among Democrats
- Favorable 18%
- Unfavorable 59%
Among Republicans
- Favorable 40%
- Unfavorable 33%
Among Independents
- Favorable 25%
- Unfavorable 47%
Among Liberals
- Favorable 10%
- Unfavorable 65%
Among Moderates
- Favorable 24%
- Unfavorable 54%
Among Conservatives
- Favorable 40%
- Unfavorable 30%
Among Men
- Favorable 32%
- Unfavorable 45%
Among Women
- Favorable 24%
- Unfavorable 48%
- Approve 25% {29%} [30%]
- Disapprove 36% {37%} [32%]
- Approve 30% {30%} [28%]
- Disapprove 53% {54%} [56%]
- Approve 36% {38%} [34%]
- Disapprove 52% {52%} [54%]
- Approve 30% {33%} [33%]
- Disapprove 56% {54%} [51%]
- Democrats 46% {46%} [42%]
- Republicans 42% {42%} [45%]
- Democrats 84% {82%}
- Republicans 9% {9%}
- Republicans 82% {86%}
- Democrats 10% {9%}
- Democrats 43% {41%}
- Republicans 35% {33%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 30% {31%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 35% {34%}
- There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 32% {34%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 47% {48%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 28% {25%}
- There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 22% {25%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 12% {13%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 42% {36%}
- There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 45% {51%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 31% {31%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 36% {44%}
- There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 28% {24%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 63% {68%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 21% {21%}
- There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 13% {10%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 36% {35%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 41% {39%}
- There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 20% {24%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 9% {9%}
- Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 33% {34%}
- There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 54% {56%}
- Yes 15% (17%) [18%] {16%} (18%) [15%]
- No 72% (69%) [71%] {74%} (70%) [73%]
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