Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Poll Watch: PPP/Daily Kos/SEIU (D) Political Survey

PPP/Daily Kos/SEIU (D) Political Survey
    Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama?
    • Favorable 49% 
    • Unfavorable 47%
    Among Democrats
    • Favorable 81%
    • Unfavorable 14% 
    Among Republicans
    • Favorable 13%
    • Unfavorable 84%
    Among Independents
    • Favorable 46%
    • Unfavorable 48%
    Among Liberals
    • Favorable 86%
    • Unfavorable 8%
    Among Moderates
    • Favorable 61%
    • Unfavorable 34%
    Among Conservatives
    • Favorable 16%
    • Unfavorable 80%
    Among Men
    • Favorable 46%
    • Unfavorable 51%
    Among Women
    • Favorable 51%
    • Unfavorable 43%
    Do you approve or disapprove of Barack Obama’s job performance?
    • Approve 46%
    • Disapprove 50%
    Among Democrats
    • Approve 77%
    • Disapprove 17%
    Among Republicans
    • Approve 10%
    • Disapprove 87%
    Among Independents
    • Approve 44%
    • Disapprove 49%
    Among Liberals
    • Approve 81%
    • Disapprove 11%
    Among Moderates
    • Approve 57%
    • Disapprove 37%
    Among Conservatives
    • Approve 15%
    • Disapprove 82%
    Among Men
    • Approve 44% 
    • Disapprove 53% 
    Among Women
    • Approve 47%
    • Disapprove 46%
      Do you think Barack Obama is too liberal, too conservative, or about right?
      • Too liberal 46%
      • Too conservative 8% 
      • About right 42%
      Among Democrats
      • Too liberal 16%
      • Too conservative 13%
      • About right 68%
      Among Republicans
      • Too liberal 83%
      • Too conservative 4%
      • About right 11%
      Among Independents
      • Too liberal 45%
      • Too conservative 8%
      • About right 43%
      Among Liberals
      • Too liberal 13%
      • Too conservative 15%
      • About right 70%
      Among Moderates
      • Too liberal 33%
      • Too conservative 9%
      • About right 54%
      Among Conservatives
      • Too liberal 79%
      • Too conservative 4%
      • About right 14%
      Among Men
      • Too liberal 52%
      • Too conservative 7%
      • About right 39%
      Among Women
      • Too liberal 41%
      • Too conservative 10%
      • About right 44%
        Do you approve or disapprove of the job John Boehner is doing?
        • Approve 27%
        • Disapprove 41%
        Among Republicans
        • Approve 45%
        • Disapprove 25%
        Do you approve or disapprove of the job Nancy Pelosi is doing?
        • Approve 29%
        • Disapprove 55%
        Among Democrats
        • Approve 55%
        • Disapprove 25%
          Do you approve or disapprove of the job Congressional Democrats are doing?
          • Approve 35%
          • Disapprove 54%
          Do you approve or disapprove of the job Congressional Republicans are doing?
          • Approve 30%
          • Disapprove 57%
          Would you rather that more Democrats or more Republicans were elected to Congress in the next election?
          • Democrats 43%
          • Republicans 42% 
          Among Democrats
          • Democrats 80%
          • Republicans 10%
          Among Republicans
          • Republicans 83%
          • Democrats 9%
          Among Independents
          • Republicans 39%
          • Democrats 35%
          Which of the following best describes your opinion on gay marriage: gay couples should be allowed to legally marry, or gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not legally marry, or there should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship?
          • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 31%
          • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 33%
          • There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 33%
          Among Democrats
          • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 43%
          • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 31%
          • There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 23%
          Among Republicans
          • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 13%
          • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 39%
          • There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 47%
          Among Independents
          • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 37%
          • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 30%
          • There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 29%
          Among Liberals
          • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 70%
          • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 21%
          • There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 8%
          Among Moderates
          • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 34%
          • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 40%
          • There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 22%
          Among Conservatives
          • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 11%
          • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 30%
          • There should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship 58%
          Do you think Barack Obama was born in the United States?
          • Yes 67%
          • No 20%
          • Not sure 13%
          Among Democrats
          • Yes 86%
          • No 9%
          • Not sure 4%
          Among Republicans
          • Yes 45%
          • No 32%
          • Not sure 23%
          Among Independents
          • Yes 66%
          • No 21%
          • Not sure 13%
          Among Liberals
          • Yes 92%
          • No 6%
          • Not sure 2%
          Among Moderates
          • Yes 77%
          • No 16%
          • Not sure 7%
          Among Conservatives
          • Yes 43%
          • No 32%
          • Not sure 25%
          Among Tea Party Members
          • Yes 36%
          • No 37%
          • Not sure 26%
          Not a Member of the Tea Party
          • Yes 80%
          • No  13%
          • Not sure 7%
          Do you consider yourself to be a member of the Tea Party?
          • Yes 16%
          • No 71%
            Survey of 1,002 registered voters was conducted April 28 - May 1, 2011. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 percentage points. Party ID breakdown: 38% Democrat; 32% Republican; 30% Independent/Other. Political ideology: 49% Moderate; 36% Conservative; 15% Liberal.

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