Monday, September 24, 2012

Poll Watch: Gravis Marketing/Capitol Correspondent Ohio 2012 Presidential Survey

Gravis Marketing/Capitol Correspondent Ohio 2012 Presidential Poll
  • Barack Obama-Joe Biden 45.2% {47.27%} [43.7%] (45.3%)
  • Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan 44.3% {43.19%} [46.8%] (44.4%)
  • Other/Unsure 10.4% {9.54%} [9.5%] (10.3%)
If the Presidential election was held today and the candidates were Democrat Barack Obama, Republican Mitt Romney, and Libertarian Gary Johnson, for whom would you vote?
  • Barack Obama 44.5% {46.47%}
  • Mitt Romney 37.8% {42.39%}
  • Gary Johnson 10.6% {4.5%} 
  • Other/Unsure 7.1%
Do you approve of Barack Obama's general performance as president?
  • Approve 45.3%
  • Disapprove 46.4%
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Mitt Romney?
  • Favorable 41.1%
  • Unfavorable 44.4%
If you were broken down on the side of the road, who do you think would stop and help -- Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Paul Ryan, or Joe Biden?
  • Barack Obama 32.1%
  • Mitt Romney 26.3%
  • Paul Ryan 25.5%
  • Joe Biden 16.2%
On a personal note, who do you think is more like you -- Mitt Romney or Barack Obama?  
  • Barack Obama 47.3%
  • Mitt Romney 35.2%
Survey of  594 likely voters was conducted September 21-22, 2012.  The margin of error is +/- 4.3 percentage points.  Party ID: 41.4% Democrat; 31.1% Republican; 27.5% Independent/Other.  Results from the poll conducted September 7-8, 2012 are in curly brackets.  Results from the poll conducted September 2, 2012 are in square brackets.  Results from the poll conducted August 27, 2012 are in parentheses.

1 comment:

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