Rasmussen (R) Wisconsin Poll on Gov. Scott Walker
How would you rate the job Scott Walker has been doing as governor?
Governor Scott Walker Job Approval
How would you rate the job Scott Walker has been doing as governor?
- Strongly approve 41% {43%} [41%] (45%) {42%} [42%] (40%)
- Somewhat approve 10% {14%} [8%] (8%) {7%} [5%] (12%)
- Somewhat disapprove 8% {10%} [7%] (8%) {4%} [7%] (6%)
- Strongly disapprove 41% {33%} [41%] (39%) {43%} [46%] (40%)
- Approve 51% {57%} [49%] (53%) {49%} [47%] (52%)
- Disapprove 49% {43%} [48%] (47%) {47%} [53%] (46%)
Survey of 500 likely voters was conducted September 17, 2012. The margin of error is +/- 4.5 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted August 15, 2012 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted July 25, 2012 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted June 12, 2012 are in parentheses. Results from the poll conducted May 9, 2012 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted March 27, 2012 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted February 27, 2012 are in parentheses.
Ninety percent (90%) of GOP voters approve of the job Walker is doing as governor, while 91% of Democrats disapprove of his job performance. Among voters not affiliated with either political party, 50% approve, 49% disapprove.
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