Rasmussen New Hampshire 2012 GOP Primary Poll
- Mitt Romney 37% [42%] (33%) {34%} [41%] (39%)
- Ron Paul 17% [18%] (18%) {14%} [11%] (13%)
- Jon Huntsman 15% [12%] (10%) {11%} [7%] (7%)
- Rick Santorum 13% [13%] (3%) {1%} [1%] (2%)
- Newt Gingrich 12% [8%] (22%) {24%} [8%] (4%)
- Rick Perry 1% [1%] (3%) {2%} [4%] (18%)
- Some other candidate 1% [1%]
- Undecided 3% [6%]
A Romney win in New Hampshire still seems highly likely at this point even with 28% of primary voters saying they could change their minds. Sixty-nine percent (69%) are certain at this time whom they will vote for. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Romney supporters are sure how they’ll vote, as are 80% of Paul’s voters and 70% of those who back Gingrich. Roughly 60% of the supporters of the other candidates are certain of their vote.
There’s virtually a three-way tie at the top among Tea Party voters in New Hampshire, with Gingrich at 25%, Romney at 24% and Santorum at 22%. Among those who are not members of the grass roots movement, Romney has the support of a plurality (40%) of voters.
Fifty-one percent (51%) here think Romney would be the strongest foe for Obama. Gingrich is a distant second with 15% support. Paul is seen as the weakest GOP candidate to run against the president, a view shared by 33% of Granite State Republicans, while 22% think Perry would be the weakest opponent.
Regardless of whom they want to win the primary, 70% expect Romney to emerge victorious. Seventy-one percent (71%) think it’s at least somewhat likely the Republican nominee will win in November, with 46% who say it’s Very Likely.
The bad news for Republicans is that 17% of these likely primary voters say they will vote for Obama if their favorite candidate doesn’t win, and another eight percent (8%) will support a third party candidate. Seventy percent (70%) will support the Republican no matter who he is. Most of Ron Paul’s supporters say they will vote either for Obama or a third party if their candidate doesn’t win.
Romney remains the best-liked candidate among likely GOP primary voters in New Hampshire, with favorables of 66%. Huntsman and Santorum are the only other candidates with higher favorables than unfavorables, earning positives of 54% and 51% respectively. Fifty-two percent (52%) have unfavorable opinions of both Paul and Gingrich, while 66% say the same of Perry.
Just 19% of these primary voters at least somewhat approve of the job Obama is doing as president, with eight percent (8%) who Strongly Approve.
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