Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Poll Watch: Quinnipiac Ohio 2012 Presidential Survey

Quinnipiac Ohio 2012 Presidential Poll

  • Rick Santorum 36% (19%) {2%} [1%] (1%) {4%} [3%] 
  • Mitt Romney 29% (28%) {18%} [20%] (23%) {25%} [19%]
  • Newt Gingrich 20% (17%) {36%} [11%] (7%) {6%} [6%]
  • Ron Paul 9% (10%) {7%} [9%] (8%) {6%} [6%]
  • Don't know 6% (20%) {15%} [20%] (18%) {22%} [31%]
Is your mind made up, or do you think you might change your mind before the election?
  • Mind Made Up 48%
  • Might Change 50%
Rick Santorum Voters
  • Mind Made Up 54%
  • Might Change 44%
Newt Gingrich Voters
  • Mind Made Up 48%
  • Might Change 51%
Mitt Romney Voters
  • Mind Made Up 39%
  • Might Change 58%
Among Voters Whose Minds Are Made Up
  • Rick Santorum 19.44%
  • Mitt Romney 11.31%
  • Newt Gingrich 9.60%
Favorable / Unfavorable {Net}
  • Rick Santorum 62% / 7% {+55%} 
  • Mitt Romney 61% / 25% {+36%}
  • Newt Gingrich 49% / 34% {+15%}
  • Ron Paul 36% / 33% {+3%}  
    • Barack Obama 46% (44%) {42%} [45%] (45%) {44%} [45%]
    • Mitt Romney 44% (42%) {43%} [42%] (41%) {42%} [41%]
    • Barack Obama 46% (48%)
    • Ron Paul 40% (39%)
    • Barack Obama 47% (48%)
    • Rick Santorum 41% (37%)
    • Barack Obama 50% (52%) {42%} [49%]
    • Newt Gingrich 38% (38%) {43%} [37%] 
    Let's say the Democratic ticket is Barack Obama for president and Joe Biden for vice president and the Republican ticket is Mitt Romney for president and Rob Portman for vice president. If you were voting today, how would you vote?
    • Democratic ticket 47%
    • Republican ticket 43%
    Favorable / Unfavorable {Net}
    • Rick Santorum 35% (25%) / 22% (25%) {+13%} 
    • Barack Obama 49% (48%) {42%} [47%] / 46% (47%) {52%} [46%] {+3%} 
    • Ron Paul 31% (28%) / 31% (33%) {0%} 
    • Mitt Romney 37% (36%) {32%} [36%] / 40% (34%) {28%} [31%] {-3%}
    • Newt Gingrich 25% (26%) {32%} [28%] / 55% (51%) {38%} [44%] {-30%}
    Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on the economy - Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?
    • Mitt Romney 46% (48%) {47%} [45%]
    • Barack Obama 45% (42%) {39%} [43%]
    Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on the economy - Barack Obama or Rick Santorum? 
    • Barack Obama 45% (46%) 
    • Rick Santorum 43% (39%)
    Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on the economy - Barack Obama or Newt Gingrich?
    • Barack Obama 49% (41%) [49%
    • Newt Gingrich 42% (48%) [39%]
    Do you think Rick Santorum is too conservative, not conservative enough, or about right?
    • Too conservative 28%
    • Not conservative enough 5%
    • About right 47%
    Among Republicans
    • Too conservative 10%
    • Not conservative enough 7%
    • About right 74%
    Do you think Mitt Romney is too conservative, not conservative enough, or about right?
    • Too conservative 20%
    • Not conservative enough 28%
    • About right 37%
    Among Republicans
    • Too conservative 4%
    • Not conservative enough 48%
    • About right 41%
    Do you think Newt Gingrich is too conservative, not conservative enough, or about right?
    • Too conservative 29%
    • Not conservative enough 17%
    • About right 36%
    Among Republicans
    • Too conservative 9%
    • Not conservative enough 23%
    • About right 59%
    Would you say that Barack Obama cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?
    • Yes 58%
    • No 39%
    Would you say that Rick Santorum cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?
    • Yes 53%
    • No 29%
    Among Republicans
    • Yes 80%
    • No 10%
    Would you say that Mitt Romney cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?
    • Yes 40%
    • No 48%
    Among Republicans
    • Yes 68%
    • No 25%
    Would you say that Newt Gingrich cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?
    • Yes 37%
    • No 53%
      Among Republicans
      • Yes 67%
      • No 25%
      Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
      • Approve 47% (44%) {41%} [44%] (43%) {42%} [46%] (49%)
      • Disapprove 48% (51%) {55%} [50%] (51%) {53%} [50%] (45%)
      Looking ahead to the 2012 election for President, do you feel that Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected?
      • Yes/Deserves 47% (45%) {42%} [46%] (44%) {43%} [46%] (47%)
      • No/Does not 48% (51%) {53%} [48%] (49%) {51%} [47%] (47%)
      Survey of 1,421 registered voters, including a subsample of 553 Republican primary voters, was conducted February 7-12, 2012. The margin of error is +/- 2.6 percentage points among all registered voters; +/- 4.2 percent among Republican voters.  Results from the poll conducted January 9-16, 2012 are in parentheses.  Results from the poll conducted November 28 - December 5, 2011 are in curly brackets.  Results from the poll conducted October 31 - November 7, 2011 are in square brackets.  Results from the poll conducted October 17-23, 2011 are in parentheses.  Results from the poll conducted September 20-25, 2011 are in curly brackets.  Results from the poll conducted July 12-18, 2011 are in square brackets.  Results from the poll conducted May 10-16, 2011 are in parentheses.

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