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CBS News/New York Times Political Survey
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
- Approve 45%
- Disapprove 47%
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy?
- Approve 42%
- Disapprove 50%
In general which comes closest to your feelings about the Obama presidency so far — Would you say you are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat disappointed or very disappointed?
- Very satisfied 13%
- Somewhat satisfied 32%
- Somewhat disappointed 25%
- Very disappointed 29%
If the 2010 election for U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate in your district?
- Republican candidate 49%
- Democratic candidate 43%
Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican party or the Democratic party is more likely to improve the health care system?
- Democratic party 46%
- Republican party 28%
Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican party or the Democratic party is more likely to create new jobs?
- Republican party 39%
- Democratic party 37%
Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican party or the Democratic party is more likely to reduce the federal budget deficit?
- Republican party 43%
- Democratic party 32%
Do you think it is better for the country to have a president who comes from the same political party that controls Congress or do you think it is better to have a president from one political party and the Congress controlled by another?
Among Democrats
- Better when same party 61%
- Better when different party 21%
Among Republicans
- Better when same party 23%
- Better when different party 47%
Among Independents
- Better when same party 23%
- Better when different party 46%
If the Republicans win control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November, do you think Barack Obama will try to work with Republicans in Congress in order to get things done, or won't he?
Among Democrats
- Will work with Republicans 94%
- Will not work with Republicans 4%
Among Republicans
- Will work with Republicans 48%
- Will not work with Republicans 47%
Among Independents
- Will work with Republicans 65%
- Will not work with Republicans 30%
If the Republicans win control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November, do you think they will try to work with Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress in order to get things done, or won't they?
Among Democrats
- Will work with Obama and Democrats 31%
- Will not work with Obama and Democrats 64%
Among Republicans
- Will work with Obama and Democrats 65%
- Will not work with Obama and Democrats 31%
Among Independents
- Will work with Obama and Democrats 45%
- Will not work with Obama and Democrats 46%
Which do you think Barack Obama SHOULD do -- compromise some of his positions in order to get things done, or stick to his positions even if it means not getting as much done?
- Compromise 71%
- Stick to positions 22%
Which do you think the Republicans in Congress SHOULD do -- compromise some of their positions in order to get things done, or stick to their positions even if it means not getting as much done?
- Compromise 75%
- Stick to positions 18%
Which do you think the Democrats in Congress SHOULD do -- compromise some of their positions in order to get things done, or stick to their positions even if it means not getting as much done?
- Compromise 77%
- Stick to positions 18%
If you had to choose, which ONE of the following programs would you be willing to reduce in order to cut government spending -- education, national security, health care, or Social Security and Medicare?
Among Democrats
- National security 40%
- Social Security & Medicare 16%
- Health care 8%
- Education 5%
Among Republicans
- Health care 43%
- Social Security & Medicare 15%
- National security 14%
- Education 9%
Among Independents
- National security 30%
- Health care 27%
- Social Security & Medicare 9%
- Education 6%
The Obama administration has proposed letting the tax cuts passed in 2001 expire for households earning about $250,000 a year or more. This would increase federal income taxes for those people. Do you think this proposal is a good idea or a bad idea?
Among Democrats
- Good idea 70%
- Bad idea 18%
Among Republicans
- Good idea 23%
- Bad idea 71%
Among Independents
- Good idea 45%
- Bad idea 46%
Do you think Congress should repeal the health care law that was passed in March, or should they let it stand?
Among Democrats
- Repeal law 10%
- Let stand 80%
Among Republicans
- Repeal law 79%
- Let stand 14%
Among Independents
- Repeal law 52%
- Let stand 35%
What if repealing the law meant that insurance companies were no longer required to cover people with existing medical conditions or prior illnesses, then do you think the law should be repealed, or not?
- Should be repealed 67%
- Should not 25%
If it were necessary to keep the Social Security program paying benefits as it does now, would you favor or oppose raising the age at which a person can retire and receive full Social Security benefits?
If it were necessary to keep the Social Security program paying benefits as it does now, would you favor or oppose reducing Social Security retirement benefits for future retirees?
Is your opinion of the Tea Party movement favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about the Tea Party movement yet to have an opinion?
- Favorable 24%
- Not favorable 26%
- Undecided 21%
- Haven't heard enough 27%
Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party movement, or not?
Among Democrats
Among Republicans
Among Independents
Do you favor or oppose allowing gay men and lesbians to serve openly in the military?
Among Democrats
Among Republicans
Among Independents
When it comes to reforming the way political candidates raise and spend money, how important is it that the amount of money campaigns can spend be limited -- very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not important at all?
- Very important 58%
- Somewhat important 28%
- Not too important 5%
- Not important at all 4%
How important is it that campaigns be required by law to disclose how much money they have raised, where that money came from, and how they have spent the money -- very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not important at all?
- Very important 81%
- Somewhat important 11%
- Not too important 4%
- Not important at all 2%
Currently, groups not affiliated with a candidate are able to spend unlimited amounts of money on advertisements during a political campaign. Do you think this kind of spending should be limited by law, or should it remain unlimited?
- Should be limited 72%
- Should remain unlimited 20%
Survey of 1,173 adults was conducted October 22-26, 2010. The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points. Party registration breakdown: 36% Democrat; 31% Republican; 33% Independent.
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