Friday, September 23, 2011

Poll Watch: PPP (D) Texas Political Survey

PPP (D) Texas Political Survey
    Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the Tea Party?
    • Favorable 44%
    • Unfavorable 41%
    Among Democrats
    • Favorable 13%
    • Unfavorable 74%
    Among Republicans
    • Favorable 73%
    • Unfavorable 8%
    Among Independents
    • Favorable 35%
    • Unfavorable 54%
    Very Conservative
    • Favorable 82%
    • Unfavorable 6%
    Somewhat Conservative
    • Favorable 60%
    • Unfavorable 17%
    • Favorable 18%
    • Unfavorable 68%
    Somewhat Liberal
    • Favorable 11%
    • Unfavorable 83%
    Among Men
    • Favorable 48%
    • Unfavorable 41%
    Among Women
    • Favorable 39%
    • Unfavorable 42%
    Among Whites
    • Favorable 54%
    • Unfavorable 30%
    Among Hispanics
    • Favorable 33%
    • Unfavorable 54%
    Do you believe in global warming or not?
    • Believe in global warming 48%
    • Do not 40%
    Among Democrats
    • Believe in global warming 81%
    • Do not 10%
    Among Republicans
    • Believe in global warming 18%
    • Do not 67%
    Among Independents
    • Believe in global warming 53%
    • Do not 34%
    Very Conservative
    • Believe in global warming 13%
    • Do not 76%
    Somewhat Conservative
    • Believe in global warming 23%
    • Do not 53%
    • Believe in global warming 69%
    • Do not 21%
    Somewhat Liberal
    • Believe in global warming 86%
    • Do not 10%
    Do you believe in evolution or not?
    • Believe in evolution 46%
    • Do not 41%
    Among Democrats
    • Believe in evolution 59%
    • Do not 30%
    Among Republicans
    • Believe in evolution 28%
    • Do not 55%
    Among Independents
    • Believe in evolution 61%
    • Do not 31%
    Very Conservative
    • Believe in evolution 22%
    • Do not 64%
    Somewhat Conservative
    • Believe in evolution 36%
    • Do not 48%
    • Believe in evolution 57%
    • Do not 31%
    Somewhat Liberal
    • Believe in evolution 64%
    • Do not 22%
    Among Men
    • Believe in evolution 51%
    • Do not 34%
    Among Women
    • Believe in evolution 41%
    • Do not 48%
    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme.”
    • Agree 28%
    • Disagree 55%
    Among Democrats
    • Agree 9%
    • Disagree 80%
    Among Republicans
    • Agree 47%
    • Disagree 28%
    Among Independents
    • Agree 23%
    • Disagree 69%
    Somewhat Liberal
    • Agree 4%
    • Disagree 82%
    • Agree 14%
    • Disagree 73%
    Somewhat Conservative
    • Agree 38%
    • Disagree 41%
    Very Conservative
    • Agree 53%
    • Disagree 21%
    Do you support or oppose requiring girls entering the 6th grade to be vaccinated against the human papilloma virus, also known as HPV?
    • Support 25%
    • Oppose 57%
    Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Perry’s handling of the wildfires?
    • Approve 48%
    • Disapprove 33%
    Do you think Rick Perry running for President is a good thing or a bad thing for Texas?
    • Good thing 47%
    • Bad thing 40%
    Among Independents
    • Good thing 34%
    • Bad thing 53%
    • Good thing 25%
    • Bad thing 65%
    Very Conservative
    • Good thing 79%
    • Bad thing 11%
    Do you think Texas should secede from the United States and form its own country, or not?
    • Texas should secede 14%
    • It should not 76%
    Very Conservative
    • Texas should secede 21%
    • It should not 57%
    • Texas should secede 7%
    • It should not 87%
    Do you think Massachusetts should secede from the United States and form its own country, or not?
    • Massachusetts should secede 10%
    • It should not 78%
    Very Conservative
    • Massachusetts should secede 17%
    • It should not 61%
    • Massachusetts should secede 3%
    • It should not 87%
    Which system would you prefer for dispensing Texas’ electoral votes: giving all of them to the statewide winner or giving one to the winner of each individual Congressional District?
    • One should be given to the winner of each Congressional District 37%
    • Electoral votes should all go to the statewide winner 33%
    Somewhat Liberal
    • One should be given to the winner of each Congressional District 53%
    • Electoral votes should all go to the statewide winner 23%
    • One should be given to the winner of each Congressional District 40%
    • Electoral votes should all go to the statewide winner 30%
    Somewhat Conservative
    • One should be given to the winner of each Congressional District 36%
    • Electoral votes should all go to the statewide winner 34%
    Very Conservative
    • One should be given to the winner of each Congressional District 16%
    • Electoral votes should all go to the statewide winner 47%
    Do you think same-sex marriage should be legal or illegal?
    • Legal 29%
    • Illegal 61%
    Which of the following best describes your opinion on gay marriage: gay couples should be allowed to legally marry, or gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not legally marry, or there should be no legal recognition of a gay couple's relationship?
    • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 24%
    • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 35%
    • There should be no recognition of a gay couple's relationship 40%
    Among Democrats
    • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 43%
    • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 30%
    • There should be no recognition of a gay couple's relationship 24%
    Among Republicans
    • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 5%
    • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 36%
    • There should be no recognition of a gay couple's relationship 59%
    Among Independents
    • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 31%
    • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 41%
    • There should be no recognition of a gay couple's relationship 28%
    Somewhat Liberal
    • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 48%
    • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 30%
    • There should be no recognition of a gay couple's relationship 19%
    • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 39%
    • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 34%
    • There should be no recognition of a gay couple's relationship 25%
    Somewhat Conservative
    • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 5%
    • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 45%
    • There should be no recognition of a gay couple's relationship 50%
    Very Conservative
    • Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry 4%
    • Gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not marry 28%
    • There should be no recognition of a gay couple's relationship 68%
    Survey of 569 Texas voters was conducted September 15-18, 2011. The margin of error is +/- 4.1 percentage points. Party ID breakdown: 44% Republican; 36% Democrat; 20% Independent/Other. Political ideology: 26% Moderate; 26% Somewhat conservative; 23% Very conservative; 14% Somewhat liberal; 10% Very liberal.

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