NBC News-Marist Iowa 2012 GOP Caucus Poll
Mitt Romney
- Mitt Romney 23% [18%] (26%)
- Ron Paul 21% [17%] (12%)
- Rick Santorum 15% [5%] (3%)
- Rick Perry 14% [9%] (11%)
- Newt Gingrich 13% [26%] (5%)
- Michele Bachmann 6% [5%] (11%)
- Jon Huntsman 2% [2%] (1%)
- Undecided 7% [9%] (10%)
- Mitt Romney 21% [17%]
- Rick Perry 20% [11%]
- Rick Santorum 15% [8%]
- Newt Gingrich 13% [19%]
- Michele Bachmann 11% [12%]
- Ron Paul 9% [10%]
- Jon Huntsman 3% [3%]
- Undecided 8% [9%]
Mitt Romney
- Acceptable 50%
- Acceptable but with reservations 27%
- Not acceptable 21%
- Acceptable 49%
- Acceptable but with reservations 22%
- Not acceptable 22%
- Acceptable 44%
- Acceptable but with reservations 29%
- Not acceptable 24%
- Acceptable 37%
- Acceptable but with reservations 25%
- Not acceptable 34%
- Acceptable 35%
- Acceptable but with reservations 28%
- Not acceptable 35%
- Acceptable 35%
- Acceptable but with reservations 21%
- Not acceptable 41%
- Newt Gingrich 37%
- Mitt Romney 26%
- Ron Paul 13%
- Rick Perry 7%
- Michele Bachmann 4%
- Rick Santorum 3%
- Jon Huntsman 1%
- None 2%
- Undecided 7%
- Rick Santorum 23%
- Ron Paul 21%
- Michele Bachmann 16%
- Rick Perry 11%
- Mitt Romney 7%
- Newt Gingrich 6%
- Jon Huntsman 2%
- None 4%
- Undecided 9%
- The Republican nominee for president is a true conservative 54%
- The Republican nominee for president can best debate President Obama 39%
- Yes 17%
- No 70%
- Yes 14%
- No 81%
- Yes 46%
- No 54%
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