Rasmussen (R) Virginia 2012 Presidential Poll
- Mitt Romney 49% {48%} [47%] (46%) {46%} [47%] (45%) {42%} [43%] (46%)
- Barack Obama 48% {49%} [47%] (48%) {47%} [47%] (44%) {51%} [49%] (45%)
- Some other candidate 0% {1%} [3%] (2%) {3%} [3%] (6%) {4%} [5%] (4%)
- Undecided 3% {2%} [3%] (3%) {3%} [3%] (5%) {4%} [3%] (5%)
- Very favorable 35% {31%} [31%] (28%) {24%} (17%)
- Somewhat favorable 19% {19%} [19%] (25%) {24%} (30%)
- Somewhat unfavorable 17% {15%} [15%] (14%) {22%} (22%)
- Very unfavorable 28% {33%} [33%] (32%) {28%} (28%)
- Mitt Romney 54% {50%} [50%] (53%) {48%} [53%] (47%) / 45% {48%} [48%] (46%) {50%} [46%] (50%) {+9%}
- Strongly approve 38% {40%} [33%] (36%) {31%} [35%] (33%) {34%} [31%]
- Somewhat approve 15% {11%} [17%] (13%) {17%} [14%] (14%) {19%} [20%]
- Somewhat disapprove 6% {5%} [6%] (8%) {6%} [10%] (8%) {5%} [8%]
- Strongly disapprove 41% {45%} [43%] (42%) {43%} [40%] (43%) {40%} [38%]
- Approve 53% {51%} [50%] (49%) {48%} [49%] (47%) {53%} [51%]
- Disapprove 47% {50%} [49%] (50%) {49%} [50%] (51%) {45%} [46%]
Both candidates earn nearly 90% support from voters in their respective parties. Romney posts a 51% to 44% lead among voters not affiliated with either major party.
Romney leads by 17 points among male voters, while Obama is ahead by 12 among female voters. Most married voters favor the Republican. The president is ahead among unmarrieds.
Obama continues to lead among voters under 40, while Romney remains ahead among older voters.
Among all Virginia voters, the candidates also are tied when it comes to the key issue of the economy. Forty-eight percent (48%) trust the president more when it comes to handling the economy, while 47% trust Romney more. Three weeks ago, Romney had a 49% to 47% edge in voter trust on the economy.
Forty-four percent (44%) think the economy will get better if Obama is reelected and Democrats take full control of the Congress. Forty-five percent (45%) believe that to be true if Romney is elected and Republicans take over the Congress. Forty-one percent (41%) say the economy will get worse if Romney and the GOP win, but even more (46%) predict a worsening economy if Obama and the Democrats come out on top.
When it comes to national security, the candidates are also virtually tied in terms of voter trust, with Obama holding a 49% to 48% edge. He led by three points in this area – 50% to 47% - in mid-September.
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