Rasmussen (R) Indiana 2012 Presidential Poll
- Mitt Romney (R) 54% [51%] (48%)
- Barack Obama (D) 41% [35%] (42%)
- Some other candidate 1% [3%] (5%)
- Undecided 4% [11%] (5%)
- Very favorable 30%
- Somewhat favorable 28%
- Somewhat unfavorable 16%
- Very unfavorable 24%
- Strongly approve 20%
- Somewhat approve 24%
- Somewhat disapprove 12%
- Strongly disapprove 43%
Survey of 600 likely voters was conducted October 10-11, 2012. The margin of
error is +/- 4 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted July 31 - August 1, 2012 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted May 23-24, 2012 are in parentheses.
Ninety-one percent (91%) of likely voters in the Hoosier State say they are certain to vote in this election. Romney leads 54% to 42% among these voters.
Seventy-nine percent (79%) say they’ve already made up their minds how they will vote. Among these voters, it’s Romney 58%, Obama 42%.
Romney has the support of 90% of Indiana Republicans, while 85% of the state’s Democrats back the president. The GOP challenger leads by five among voters not affiliated with either of the major parties.
Fifty-five percent (55%) of Indiana voters trust Romney more when it comes to handling the economy, while 36% have more faith in the president. Romney leads 51% to 41% in terms of voter trust in the area of national security.
A plurality (48%) of all voters in the state think the economy will get better if Romney is elected and Republicans take full control of Congress. Only 31% expect an improved economy if Obama is reelected and Democrats are in charge of Congress. If Romney and the GOP win, 28% think the economy will get worse, but 48% believe that to be true if Obama and the Democrats come out on top.
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