Rasmussen (R) Ohio 2012 Senate Poll
- Sherrod Brown (D) 49% {47%} [46%] (49%) {44%} [46%] (47%) {44%} [43%] (44%)
- Josh Mandel (R) 44% {46%} [46%] (41%) {44%} [42%] (42%) {41%} [43%] (40%)
- Some other candidate 1% {2%} [2%] (3%) {3%} [4%] (3%) {3%} [3%] (4%)
- Undecided 5% {4%} [6%] (7%) {9%} [8%] (7%) {12%} [11%] (12%)
- Sherrod Brown (D) 49% {45%} [38%] (49%)
- Josh Mandel (R) 41% {43%} [49%] (38%)
I’m going to read you a short list of people in the news. For
each, please let me know you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable,
somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable impression.
Sherrod Brown
Inside the numbers:Sherrod Brown
- Very favorable 30% {27%} [25%] (26%)
- Somewhat favorable 19% {17%} [20%] (21%)
- Somewhat unfavorable 17% {16%} [17%] (15%)
- Very unfavorable 27% {30%} [31%] (26%)
- Very favorable 17% {21%} [23%] (17%)
- Somewhat favorable 26% {25%} [25%] (25%)
- Somewhat unfavorable 14% {13%} [17%] (13%)
- Very unfavorable 35% {33%} [28%] (31%)
- Sherrod Brown 49% {44%} [45%] (47%) / 44% {46%} [48%] (41%) {+5%}
- Josh Mandel 43% {46%} [48%] (42%) / 49% {46%} [45%] (44%) {-6%}
Voting in Ohio started on October 2, and Brown leads by nearly two-to-one among those who say they have cast their ballots already.
Eighty percent (80%) of all voters in the state say they are certain of their choice at this time. Among these voters, Brown leads Mandel 53% to 46%. Among the 94% of voters who say they are certain to vote in the election, Brown is ahead 50% to 45%.
Brown draws support from 89% of Democrats in the state, while Mandel is backed by 84% of voters in his party.
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