Rasmussen (R) Pennsylvania 2012 Senate Poll
- Bob Casey (D) 46% (49%) {49%} [49%] (48%)
- Tom Smith (R) 45% (45%) {42%} [38%] (41%)
- Some other candidate 0% (1%) {2%} [4%] (3%)
- Undecided 9% (5%) {7%} [9%] (7%)
Inside the numbers:
Ninety percent (90%) of likely Pennsylvania voters are certain they will vote on Election Day. Among these voters, it's Smith 47%, Casey 46%.
Smith, a Tea Party favorite, draws support from 87% of Republicans in Pennsylvania and leads 41% to 31% among voters not affiliated with either of the major political parties. Casey, the son of a popular former governor and a one-time state official himself, is backed by 83% of Democrats.
Smith leads Casey 51% to 40% among men in the state but trails by nine points among women. Young voters and senior citizens support Casey, but middle-aged voters favor Smith.
Casey is viewed favorably by 43% of Pennsylvania voters and unfavorably by 42%. That includes Very Favorables of 12% and Very Unfavorables of 20%.
Forty-seven percent (47%) share a favorable impression of Smith, while 34% view him unfavorably. These figures include 20% who have a Very Favorable impression of the Republican and 18% who have a Very Unfavorable opinion.
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